Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, Joint-Stock Company
4/2, Glukharev Lane, Moscow, 129090
on holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, Joint-Stock Company informs about holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in the form of a meeting (joint attendance) with the following agenda:
1. Approval of the annual report, annual accounting statements, including profit and loss statement of the Company, as well as the distribution of profit (including dividends) and losses of the Company following the results of fiscal year 2011;
2. Election of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
3. Election of members of the Auditing Committee of the Company;
4. Approval of the Company's Auditor;
5. On amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association;
6. Approval of the Regulations on the procedure for convening and holding meetings of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre in the new edition.
The date of the General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of Centre: June 15, 2012.
The time of the Meeting: 11 hours 00 minutes.
The time of the registration start: 09 hours 00 minutes.
The venue of the Meeting: Moscow, Dmitrovskoye shosse 171 (Hotel Holiday Inn Vinogradovo, conference center).
Completed ballot papers can be sent to one of the following addresses:
— 127018, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Yamskaya, 4, IDGC of Centre;
— 115172, Russia, Moscow, p/o box 4, Reestr-RN LLC.
When determining the quorum and voting results, votes represented by ballots, received by the Company or Registrar not later than two days prior the date of holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders are taken into account — «13» June 2012.
The persons entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company may learn the specified information (materials) in the period from May 25, 2012 to June 14, 2012 , from 10 hours 00 minutes to 17 hours 00 minutes, excluding weekends and holidays, as well as on June 15, 2012 2012 during the AGM, at the following addresses:
— Russia, Moscow, 2nd Yamskaya, 4, IDGC of Centre;
— Russia, Moscow, Podkopaevsky pereulok, 2/6, building 3-4, Reestr-RN LLC;
— on the Company's website at:
The specified information (materials) shall be available to the persons entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on the day of holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company at its venue.
The list of the persons eligible to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was recorded on «07» May 2012.
Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Information telephone:
Contact person: S.V. Lapinskaya