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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, elected at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 11.06.2009 (minutes no. 01/09 dated 16.06.2009)


Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Year of birth: 1960
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1982, Kostroma State Pedagogical Institute named after N.A. Nekrasov
Specialty: Teacher of History
2000, Higher International University  (Master of Management)
Scientific degree, rank: Candidate of Science (History), Associate Professor
Principal occupation: Director of Legal Department of State Corporation “Rosnano”
Other occupied positions: Adviser General Director of IDGC Holding, JSC, member of the Board of Directors of: “Property of ARSRDIenergoprom”, JSC; “Property of Engineering Centre of Power Engineering of Volga Region” JSC; “Kubanenergo” JSC; “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia” JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009
Elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors 08.07.2009 (Minutes of the Board of Directors № 11/09 dated 10.07.2009)

Tatiana Alexandrovna Seliverstova

Deputy Chairman  of the Board of Directors

Year of birth: 1972
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1995, State Academy of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze
Specialty: Manager
1997, Russian Academy of the National Economy under the Government of Russia (professional retraining)
Specialty: Financial management
Principal occupation: Head of the securities Division of  the Department of corporate governance and interaction with shareholders of IDGC Holding, JSC 
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors: “Scientific Research Institute of Energy Economy”, JSC; “Sibenergosetproekt”, JSC; “Scientific Research Centre of Volga region”, JSC; “Middle Volga Interregional Managing Power Company”, JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009
Elected as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors 08.07.2009 (Minutes of the Board of Directors № 11/09 dated 10.07.2009)


Year of birth: 1977
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2001, Academy of the National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Bachelor in Management)
Principal occupation: Director of the Representative office of "Prosperity Capital Management (RF) Ltd".
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors: “ТGC-6”, JSC;  “Bashkirenergo’, JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004

Nikolaevich Ivanov

Year of birth: 1961
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1984, Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute
Specialty: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Principal occupation: Member of Management Board of FGC UES, JSC
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of: “Lenenergo” JSC», “IDGC of Volga” JSC, “IDGC of North-West” JSC, “IDGC of Ural” JSC, “IDGC of Siberia” JSC, “IDGC of Centre and Volga region” JSC, “MOESK” (Moscow Unified Power Grid Company) JSC, “ERKO” (Power Russian Company) JSC, “Malaya energetika” JSC, “Energostroysnabkomplekt” JSC, “Index of power engineering of FGC UES” JSC, “Centre of Engineering and Construction Management of UES” JSC, “Energy Forecasting Agency” JSC, Chairman of Presidium – President of Institute of Autonomous Non-commercial organization  “National Institute of Energy Security”.
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009


Year of birth: 1955
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2003, Finance Academy under the RF Government
Specialty: Finance and credit
1978, Ivanovo Power Institute
Specialty: Electrical systems
Principal occupation: General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Other occupied positions (for the date of appointment): Chairperson of Supervisory Council of Employers of Electric Power Engineering
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): 0,4894% (206 622 069 shares of Company’s registered ordinary shares)
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004


Year of birth: 1971
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1993, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals
Research and design woks CAD
Principal occupation: Noncommercial partnership “Market council for organization of effective system of whole sale and retail of electric power and power” (NP «Market council») – Member of the Management Board – Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board
Other occupied positions: does not occupy
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009


Year of birth: 1980
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2006, Moscow State Law Academy
Specialty: Jurisprudence
2002, Moscow State University of Means of Communication
Specialty: «Rail Cars» (Management of rail car-repair production)
Principal occupation: Director for the Corporate Governance of the Representative office of Prosperity Capital Management (RF) Ltd.
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of: “IDGC of Centre and Volga region”, JSC, “Arkhangelsk Power Sales Company”, JSC, “Voronezh Power Sales Company”, JSC, “Kursk Power Sales Company”, JSC, “Rostpromstroybank”, JSC, “Novgorodsetstroy”, JSC,  “Severtruboprovodstroy”, JSC, “Urengoytruboprovodstroy”, JSC, “Severtruboprovodstroy”, JSC, “Yuzhtruboprovodstroy”, JSC, “Tver Energy and Repair Company”, JSC, “Smolensk Energy and Repair Company”, JSC, “Penza Energy and Repair Company”, JSC, “Energospetsmontazh”, JSC, “Dalkhimfarm”, JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009


Year of birth: 1968
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1991, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
Specialty: Informatics и control systems
Principal occupation: Director for Power Sector of Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine, JSC
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of: “Lipetsk City Power Company” Ltd., «Lipetsk Power Sales Company”, JSC “Lipetskoblgaz”, JSC, “Altai-Koks”, JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 30.05.2008


Year of birth:  1959
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1983,  Moscow Power Institute
Specialty: Thermal electric power stations
Principal occupation: General Director of the Branch of JSC «SO UES» - Operational Dispatching Office of Centre
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of “IDGC of Centre and Volga region” JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 30.05.2008


Year of birth: 1980
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2008, High School of Economy. Program “Foreman of business administration (FВА)”
Specialty: Finance
2005, Academy of national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Professional development according to the program   «Governmental management of economic development»
2002, Volgo-Vyatka Academy of Government Service
Specialty: Manager
Principal occupation: Deputy Director of Department for economic regulation and property relations in Fuel and Energy Complex of Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of: “IDGC of Volga”, JSC;  “MOESK” (Moscow Unified Power Grid Company) JSC; “Lenenergo”, JSC; “Enel Wholesale Generating Company-5”
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009


Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: the Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Specialty: Finance and credit
Principal occupation: Deputy Director of the Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management, (Russian Federation) Ltd.
Other occupied positions: member of the Board of Directors of: “Yuzhny Region” Bank, JSC; “Bashkirenergo”, JSC; “Dagestan Power Sales Company”, JSC; “Dalenergomontazh”, JSC; “Energospetsmontazh”, JSC; Тaganrog Boiler Construction Plant «Krasny kotelshchik», JSC; “Kurskenergosbit”, JSC, “IDGC of Centre and Volga Region”, JSC, “Novgorodsetstroy”, JSC, “Novaya ERA”, JSC, “Novgorodoblkommunelektro”, JSC,  “Penza Energy and Repair Company”, JSC, “Severtruboprovodstroy”, JSC; “Sevzapelektrosetstroy”, JSC; “Smolensk Energy and Repair Company”, JSC; Joint-Stock Company on construction of high-voltage transmission lines of electricity and substations “Spetssetstroy”; “ТGC-6” JSC; “Urengoytruboprovodstroy”, JSC; “Yuzhtruboprovodstroy” JSC; “Magadanenergo” JSC; “Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Constraction Company”, JSC “Voronezh Power Sales Company”, JSC, “Yuaroslavl Power Company”, JSC, “Tver Energy and Repair Company”, JSC,  “Arkhangelsk Sales Company”, JSC
Company’s share fraction and share fraction of subsidiaries and associates of the Company held by a member of the Board of Directors (quantity): does not hold
Date of the first election to the Board of Directors: 11.06.2009

General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
Corporate secretary