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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, elected at the annual General Meeting dated 30.05.2008 (Minutes dated 03.06.2008)

Aleksandrovich Demin

Year of birth: 28 April 1974
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1996 Zaporozhye State University. Faculty: applied mathematics
1999 Zaporozhye University of Economy of information technologies. Faculty: economics
Primary employment: Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of UES FGC, JSC
Other Positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of:
ENES Glavsetservis, JSC
ENES Elektrosetservis, JSC
IDGC of North Caucasus, JSC
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004


Year of birth: 13 September 1977
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
2001 Academy of National Economy under the Government of the RF, Bachelor of Management
Primary employment: Director of the representative office of Prosperity Capital Management Ltd. (Russian Federation)
Other Positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of
IDGC of Centre and Volga Region, JSC
Novgorod Power Sales Company, JSC
Prokatmontazh, JSC
JSC “Bashkirenergo”
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004

Alexandrovich Burnashev
Year of birth: 22 September 1964
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1989 Moscow University of Management
named after S. Ordzhonikidze
Major area of study: Organisation of management in the power industry
Primary employment: none
Other positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of
Member of the Supervisory Council:
JSC “Power Carbon Fund”
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004
Grigorievich Starchenko

Year of birth: 29 May 1968
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1991, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Baumana
Qualification: information science and management system
Primary employment: Director for the power industry of NLMK, JSC
Other positions:
Chairman of the Board of Directors of:
- Lipetsk City Power Company Ltd. 
- Lipetsk Power Sales Company JSC
Member of the Board of Directors of:
- Lipetskoblgaz JSC
- Stoilensky Mining and Concentration Complex JSC
- Altai-Koks JSC
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 30.05.2008.

Year of birth: 14 March 1977
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1999 Omsk State University
Qualification: Economics faculty, manager
Primary employment: Adviser for General Director of Rusnanotech State Corporation
Other positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of
Volga TGC, JSC
Petersburg Sales Company, JSC
Kamchatskenergo, JSC
Nizhnevartovsk SDPS, JSC
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 29.06.2007

Year of birth: 2 September 1978
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
2001 Moscow engineering physics institute
Qualification: physicist engineer, nuclear physics
2005 RRC Institute named after Kurchatov
Qualification: physics of the condensed condition, candidate of physics and mathematics
Primary employment: Vice President of Halcyon Advisors company
Member of the Board of Directors of
Tula Sales Company, JSC
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 29.06.2007
Year of birth:  4 August 1959
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1983  Moscow Power University
Qualification: thermal electric power stations
Primary employment: Member of the Management Board, general director of ODA of Centre, a branch of SO UES, JSC
Other positions: none
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 30.05.2008.
Mikhailovich Kravchenko
Year of birth:  3 April  1967
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1995 Moscow State University named after Lomonosov
Qualification: lawyer
Primary employment: General Director of RN-Energo LLC
Other positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of
- Institute Energosetproekt JSC
- IDGC of Volga JSC
- IDGC of Urals JSC
- IDGC of Centre and Volga Region, JSC
- IDGC of South, JSC
- IDGC of North-West JSC
- IDGC of Siberia JSC
- Tymenenergo JSC
- Rosgazifikatsiya JSC
- Southern Grid Company JSC
- Irkutskenergo JSC
 - Rostopprom JSC
- IDGC Holding - Chairman of the Board of Directors
- RAO Energy Systems of the East JSC
- Kuzbassenergo JSC
- Financial Settlements Center Ltd.
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of  first election to the Board of Directors: 30.03.2006

Year of birth: 8 February 1955
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1978 Ivanovo Power Industry Institute,
electrician engineer
2003 Financial Academy under the Government of the
Russian Federation.
Major area of study: Finance and credit,
Qualification: economist
Primary employment: General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Other positions: none
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: 0.4894% (206,622,069)
Date of  first election to the Board of Directors: 09.12.2004

Shapievich Misrihanov

Year of birth: 2 March 1951
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1974 Moscow Power Institute
Qualification: hydraulic power installations
Primary employment: General Director of Transmission Electric Networks of Centre, JSC UES FGC branch
Other positions:
Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC “MOESK”
IDGC of Centre and Volga Region, JSC
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 29.06.2007

Year of birth: 17 December  1970
Citizenship: RF
Education: Higher
1992 Omsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers
Qualification: Electrician Engineer
2005 Academy of National Economy under
the Government of the Russian Federation
Qualification: Company Development Management
Primary employment: Deputy General Director – Technical Director of JSC IDGC Holding
Other positions: none
The Company and its subsidiaries and dependent entities’ ordinary shares (number) belonging to this member of the Board of Directors: none
Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 29.06.2007
General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
Corporate secretary