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Committees of the Board of Directors

Members of the Strategy Committee elected by the Board of Directors of the Company on 07.10.2019 (Minutes No. 33/19 dated 07.10.2019)

Egor Vyacheslavovich Prokhorov — Chairperson of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1982
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2004, St. Petersburg State University
Branch of study: Mathematical methods in economics,
Economist-Mathematician, Ph.D. in Economics
Primary employment: Deputy Director General for Strategy of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Alexander Viktorovich Golovtsov - Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1973
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1996, State Technical University named after D.F. Ustinov,
Faculty: Automated Control Systems
Branch of study: Electrical engineer
Primary employment: does not hold
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Alexey Nikolayevich Zharikov - Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1970
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1993, State Academy of Management after S. Ordzhonikidze,
Branch of study: Economics and management of fuel and energy complex
Primary employment: Director of Corporate Policy and Work with Shareholders of OJSC “Elektrotsentronaladka”
Date of first election to the Committee: 29.07.2011

Vitaly Yuryevich Zarkhin - Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1976
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1998, State University - Higher School of Economics
Qualification: Bachelor of Economics
2000 - Master of Management
Primary employment: does not hold
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Dmitry Dmitrievich Mikheev - Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Polzunov Altai State Technical University (AltSTU)
Qualification: Electricity supply of industrial enterprises
2008, Altai Academy of Economics and Law (AAEL)
Qualification: Master of Management
Primary employment: Director of Services Sale Department of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Alexey Igorevich Pavlov - Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1982
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2004, St. Petersburg State University
Branch of study: Mathematical methods of operations research
Qualification: Economist-Mathematician
Primary employment: Director of Strategy Department of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Alexander Viktorovich Pilyugin — Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1968
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1992, Kursk Polytechnic Institute
Branch of study: Power supply
Qualification: Electrical engineer
2006, State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education "Kursk State Technical University"
Branch of study: Management of the organization
Qualification: Manager
Primary employment: First Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre, PJSC
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Olga Vladimirovna Tikhomirova — Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1964
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1987, Moscow Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Energy Institute
Branch of study: Industrial electronics
Qualification: Engineer - technician
1995, All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Qualification: Economist, Ph.D. in Economics
Primary employment: Director of Treasury Department of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Andrey Olegovich Romankov — Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1971
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1994, Moscow Aviation Institute (Technical University)
Qualification: Power and energy-physical installations for spacecraft
Branch of study: Mechanical engineer
2004, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, municipal and state administration
Primary employment: Director of Technical Policy Department - Deputy Chief Engineer of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 07.10.2019

Irina Alexandrovna Shagina — Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1979
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2001, All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute,
Branch of study: Accounting and audit, economist
2013, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia,
Branch of study: Jurisprudence, lawyer
Primary employment: Director of Tariff Policy Department of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 17.07.2017

Alexander Viktorovich Shevchuk — Member of the Strategy Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Russian Federation Government
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Executive Director of Association of Institutional Investors
Date of first election to the Committee: 16.07.2012

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