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Committees of the Board of Directors

Members of the Strategy and Development Committee elected by the Board of Directors of the Company on 20.07.2018 (Minutes No. 23/18 dated 20.07.2018), with amendments dated 22.11.2018 (Minutes No. 37/18 dated 22.11.2018).

Evgeny Alexandrovich Olkhovich — Chairperson of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1982
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2003, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,

Branch of study: Economics,

Bachelor of Economics,

2005, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,

Branch of study: Management,

Master of Management

Primary employment: Deputy Director General for Strategic Development and Technological Innovation of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 17.07.2017

Pavel Vladimirovich Grebtsov - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1976

Citizenship: Russian Federation

Education: Higher

1994, Chelyabinsk Law School of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

Faculty: Law and accounting in the social security system

1998, Moscow State University,

Faculty: Management

2000, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Faculty: Management

Primary employment: Deputy Director General for Economy of PJSC «Rosseti»

Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Valery Vasilyevich Kataev - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1981

Citizenship: Russian Federation

Education: Higher

2005, Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Branch of study:Nuclear power plants and installations


Primary employment: Chief Expert of Consolidated Planning and Reporting Office of Investment Activity Department of PJSC «Rosseti»

Date of first election to the Committee: 22.11.2018

Alexander Valeryevich Inozemtsev - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1966

Citizenship: Russian Federation

Education: Higher

1994, Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)

Branch of study: Thermophysics

Qualification: Engineer-physicist

1995, International University

Branch of study: Management

Qualification: Master in Business Administration

Primary employment: Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance of IDGC of Centre, PJSC

Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Dmitry Sergeevich Kapustin — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1978
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2001, Moscow State Mining University
Qualification: Electrical engineer
Primary employment: Head of Innovative Technical Policy and Energy Efficiency Improvement Office of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 17.07.2017

Anastasiya Igorevna Krupenina - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1985
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2007, Tver State University

Branch of study: Finance and credit
Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Director for Strategy and Investment of "Five Plus" LLC

Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Andrey Vladimirovich Morozov - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1978
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2000, Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Branch of study: Jurisprudence

2016, Harvard Law School

Qualification: Master of Laws (LLM), corporate governance
Primary employment: Legal Director of Association of Institutional Investors

Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Alexey Igorevich Pavlov - Member of the Strategy and Development Committee

Year of birth: 1982
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2004, St. Petersburg State University

Branch of study: Mathematical methods of operations research
Qualification: Economist-Mathematician
Primary employment: Director of Finance Department of PJSC «Rosseti»

Date of first election to the Committee: 20.07.2018

Roman Alexeyevich Filkin — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Russian Federation Government
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Director, power engineering, machine building of Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management (Russian Federation) Ltd.
Date of first election to the Committee: 30.04.2008

Alexander Viktorovich Shevchuk — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Russian Federation Government
Branch of study: Finance and credit

Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Executive Director of Association of Institutional Investors
Date of first election to the Committee: 16.07.2012

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Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
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