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Committees of the Board of Directors

Members of the Strategy and Development Committee
(elected by the Board of Directors on 27.07.2015 (Minutes No. 15/15 dated 30.07.2015)

Yury Nikolayevich Pankstyanov — Chairperson of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1980
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2002, State University of Management
Branch of study: Manager
Primary employment: Director of Tariff Policy Department of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 15.07.2013
Sergey Yuryevich Lebedev — Deputy Chairperson of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1967
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1999, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Primary employment: Director of Strategic Projects Department of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 15.07.2013
Dmitry Mikhailovich Andropov — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1975
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1997, Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russian Federation
Branch of study: Manager
Primary employment: Deputy Head of Finance Office of Corporate Finance Department of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 31.07.2014
Sergey Vsevolodovich Belevantsev — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1959
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1982, NRNU MEPhI
Branch of study: physical and power plants
Qualification: Engineer-physicist
2006, Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russian Federation
Branch of study: Bank management
Qualification: Master of Business Administration
Primary employment: General Director of Financial Company «Business Dialogue» LLC
Date of the first election to the Committee: 31.07.2014
Elena Viktorovna Bogach — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1976
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1998, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: Applied mathematics
2010, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: Mathematician
Primary employment: Head of Strategic Planning Office of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 17.02.2014
Alexey Nikolayevich Goncharov — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1985
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2004, University of Mines in Saint-Petersburg (Technical University)
Branch of study: Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes
2010, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: National economy
Primary employment: Head of Interaction with Entities of the Wholesale and Retail Electricity Markets Office of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 27.07.2015
Andrey Vitalyevich Gritsenko — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1964
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1990, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: Biotechnology
Qualification: Process Engineer
Primary employment: General Director of ZAO Capital Asset Management
Date of the first election to the Committee: 15.07.2013
Alexey Nikolayevich Zharikov — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1970
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1993, State Academy of Management after S. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow
Branch of study: Economics and management of fuel and energy complex
Primary employment: Director for Corporate Policy and Work with Shareholders of JSC “Elektrotsentronaladka”
Date of the first election to the Committee: 29.07.2011
Konstantin Vladimirovich Zavizenov — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1974
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1996, Perm State Technical University
Qualification: Engineer-chemist-technologist 1996, RMC at PSTU
Qualification: Economist-Manager
Primary employment: Deputy Director of Electric Power Industry Development Department of the Russian Ministry of Energy
Date of the first election to the Committee: 27.07.2015
Sergey Vasilyevich Podlutsky — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1980
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2002, State University of Management
Branch of study: Energy sector management
Primary employment: Head of Summary Planning and Reporting Office of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 31.07.2014
Sergey Vladimirovich Pokrovsky — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee Year of birth: 1973
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1996, Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University
Branch of study: Applied mathematics
Qualification: Engineer-mathematician
Primary employment: Deputy Executive Director of Association of Professional Investors
Date of the first election to the Committee: 27.07.2015
Sergey Yuryevich Rumyantsev — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1956
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1978, Moscow Institute of Management
Branch of study: Management in the power industry
Qualification: Engineer-economist
Primary employment: Deputy General Director for Economy and Finance of IDGC of Centre, PJSC
Date of the first election to the Committee: 15.07.2013
Maxim Mikhailovich Saukh — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee Year of birth: 1979
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2001, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions
Branch of study: Jurisprudence
Primary employment: Head of Corporate Relationship Office of Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations Department of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 16.07.2012
Nadezhda Vitalyevna Sedyikh — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1985
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2007, Vyatka State Humanities University
Branch of study: Mathematical methods in economics
Qualification: Economist-mathematician
Primary employment: Chief Expert of SDC Economy Department of PJSC «ROSSETI»
Date of the first election to the Committee: 27.07.2015
Oleg Romanovich Fedorov – Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1968
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1992, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Branch of study: Mathematics, applied mathematics
Primary employment: Adviser to Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo) as a public service
Date of the first election to the Committee: 27.07.2015
Roman Alexeevich Filkin — Member of the Strategy and Development Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Director of Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management (Russian Federation) Ltd., power engineering, machine building
Date of the first election to the Committee: 30.04.2008
General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
Corporate secretary