Interested party transactions:
No. | No., date of contract | Parties of contract | Subject of contract | Price of contract | Interested persons | Information on approval by the Board of Directors |
IDGC of Centre – Executive Office | ||||||
1. | Agreement dated
17.01.2014 № 7700/0002/14/407/30-30 | IDGC of Centre - «Party-2», OJSC «Kubanenergo» - «Party-1» | Provision of services for technical and operational maintenance and repair of facilities | Payment for work performed and services rendered is made upon the actual work performed | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, at the same time owns more than 20% of shares of the legal entity that is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
2. | Agreement dated 22.01.2014 № 932c/2013/7700/00009/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Recommending organization», Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI» - «Contractor», O.V. Reshetnikova – «Specialist» | Training services under the educational program of occupational retraining "Production management and project management" | 27 132 RUB, not subject to VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (O.M. Budargin) is a member of the Academic Council of the NRU MPEI | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
3. | Amendment dated 13.02.2014 № DC7700/00009/14 to agreement to provide treasury services dated 18.04.2011 № 7700/00047/11/1791 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», JSC “Yargorelectroset” - «Customer» | On the extension of the agreement and increase in the value | 600 000 RUB with VAT | 1) Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (JSC “Yargorelectroset») is a party to the transaction; 2) S.Y. Rumyantsev, a member of the Management Board of the Company, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of JSC “Yargorelectroset” | Minutes dated 03.02.2014 № 01/14 |
4. | Amendment dated 13.02.2014 № DC7700/00008/14 to agreement to provide treasury services dated 29.05.2013 № 7700/00333/13 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», JSC “Energy Service Company” - «Customer» | On the extension of the agreement and increase in the value | 420 000 RUB with VAT | 1) Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (JSC “Energy Service Company”) is a party to the transaction; 2) S.Y. Rumyantsev and O.V. Tkacheva, members of the Management Board of the Company, they are also members of the Board of Directors of JSC “Energy Service Company” | Minutes dated 03.02.2014 № 01/14 |
IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division | ||||||
5. | Amendment dated 07.03.2014 № DC4600/00072/14 to real estate lease agreement dated 10.03.2009 № 40025111 | IDGC of Centre - «Lessor», SO UES - «Lessee» | Amendment to change the monthly rent and extension duration of the agreement | 1 877 173,98 RUB with VAT (for the period from 01.01.2014 to 30.06.2014) | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (B.I. Ayuev and V.M. Kravchenko) hold positions in management bodies of SO UES | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
6. | Amendment dated 13.01.2014 № DC4600/00022/14 to real estate lease agreement dated 10.03.2009 № 40025096 | IDGC of Centre - «Lessor», SO UES - «Lessee» | Amendment to change the monthly rent and extension duration of the agreement | 6 432,00 RUB with VAT(for the period from 01.01.2014 to 30.06.2014) | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated persons (B.I. Ayuev and V.M. Kravchenko) hold positions in management bodies of SO UES | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division | ||||||
7. | General Agreement dated 02.12.2013 № 2/7600/11245/13 | IDGC of Centre - «Owner», OJSC «FOCL-Conductor Administration» - «User» | Agreement for construction and operation of Fiber-optic lines to be installed at Electric Grid Facilities of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division at the direction of «Yaroslavl – DPC» | With no value | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, at the same time owns more than 20% of the shares of the legal entity that is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 19.09.2013 № 22/13, from 28.11.2013 № 28/13 |
8. | Agreement dated 30.12.2013 № 7600/00299/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 576 913,08 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
9. | Agreement dated 30.12.2013 № 7600/00300/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 157 081,08 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
10. | Agreement dated 30.12.2013 № 7600/00301/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 99 207,25 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
11. | Agreement dated 03.03.2014 № 7600/01731/14/00-2/092-14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Work performance to repair electric grid equipment | 118 000,00 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 03.03.2014 № 03/14 |
12. | Agreement dated 03.03.2014 № 7600/01732/14/00-2/093-14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Work performance to repair electric grid equipment | 118 000,00 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 03.03.2014 № 03/14 |
2. Transactions closed by the Company with state owned companies:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions have not been closed
3. Transactions of the Company with shareholders of the Company holding at least 5% of voting shares of the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions have not been closed
4. Internal corporate transactions:
No. | No., date of contract | Parties of contract | Subject of contract | Price of contract | Interested persons | Information on approval |
IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division | ||||||
1. | Amendment dated
13.02.2014 № DC7700/00009/14 to agreement to provide treasury services dated 18.04.2011 № 7700/00047/11/1791 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», JSC “Yargorelectroset” - «Customer» | On the extension of the agreement and increase in the value | 600 000 RUB with VAT | 1) Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (JSC “Yargorelectroset») is a party to the transaction; 2) S.Y. Rumyantsev, a member of the Management Board of the Company, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of JSC “Yargorelectroset” | Minutes dated 03.02.2014 № 01/14 |
2. | Amendment dated
13.02.2014 № DC7700/00008/14 to agreement to provide treasury services dated 29.05.2013 № 7700/00333/13 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», JSC “Energy Service Company” - «Customer» | On the extension of the agreement and increase in the value | 420 000 RUB with VAT | 1) Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company, whose affiliated person (JSC “Energy Service Company”) is a party to the transaction; 2) S.Y. Rumyantsev and O.V. Tkacheva, members of the Management Board of the Company, they are also members of the Board of Directors of JSC “Energy Service Company” | Minutes dated 03.02.2014 № 01/14 |
IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division | ||||||
3. | Agreement dated
30.12.2013 № 7600/00299/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 576 913,08 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
4. | Agreement dated
30.12.2013 № 7600/00300/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 157 081,08 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
5. | Agreement dated
30.12.2013 № 7600/00301/14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Provision of operation and maintenance of electric grid equipment | 99 207,25 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 28.12.2013 № 31/13 |
6. | Agreement dated
03.03.2014 № 7600/01731/14/00-2/092-14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Work performance to repair electric grid equipment | 118 000,00 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 03.03.2014 № 03.14 |
7. | Agreement dated
03.03.2014 № 7600/01732/14/00-2/093-14 | IDGC of Centre - «Contractor», OJSC «YarEGC» - «Customer» | Work performance to repair electric grid equipment | 118 000,00 RUB with VAT | Shareholder of the Company - JSC «Russian Grids», which holds more than 20% of voting shares of the Company whose affiliated person (OJSC «YarEGC») is a party to the transaction | Minutes dated 03.03.2014 № 03.14 |
5. Major transactions closed by the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions have not been closed
6. Transactions of the Company with members of the Board of Directors of the Company and members of the management bodies of the Company:
For the reporting quarter the above mentioned transactions have not been closed