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Committees of the Board of Directors

The Reliability Committee elected by the Board


Vladimir Valerianovich Dorofeev

Chairperson of the Reliability Committee of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board UES FGC, JSC


Sergey Anatolievich Schumacher

Deputy Chairperson of the Reliability Committee of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC, Technical Director of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC


I.N. Polyakov

Deputy Chief of Governance Centre of IDGC of UES FGC, JSC


Olga Valentinovna Zuikova

Chief of the Technical Inspection Department of IDGC of Centre, JSC


I.V. Sokolov

Chief Engineer of Tulenergo, JSC

The Reliability Committee elected by the Board of on 17.01.2006 (Minutes dated 17.01.2006 № 001/06)


Vladimir Valerianovich Dorofeev


Chairperson of the Reliability Committee of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board UES FGC, JSC


Sergey Anatolievich Schumacher


Deputy Chairperson of the Reliability Committee of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC, Technical Director of IDGC of Centre and North Caucasus, JSC


I.N. Polyako


Deputy Chief of Governance Centre of IDGC of UES FGC, JSC


Olga Valentinovna Zuikova


Chief of the Technical Inspection Department of IDGC of Centre, JSC


I.V. Sokolov


Chief Engineer of Tulenergo, JSC

General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
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