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Committees of the Board of Directors

Members of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (elected by the Board of Directors of the Company on 26.07.2019 (Minutes No. 25/19 dated 26.07.2019).

Larisa Anatolievna Romanovskaya — Chairperson of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (non-executive director)

Year of birth: 1972
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: 1995, Samara State Economic Academy

Faculty: Commerce

Branch of study: Economist

Primary employment: First Deputy Director General of PJSC «Rosseti»

Other positions: Member of the Board of Directors of PJSC MOESK, Lenenergo PJSC

Date of first election to the Committee: 26.07.2019

Alexander Viktorovich Varvarin — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (independent director)

Year of birth: 1975
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1998, Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboedov (Moscow)

Branch of study: Jurisprudence
Qualification: Lawyer

Primary employment: Vice-President - Managing Director of the Office for Legal Regulation and Enforcement of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Date of first election to the Committee: 26.07.2019

Andrey Vyacheslavovich Logatkin — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (non-executive director)
Year of birth: 1979
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2004, Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan (Italy)
Branch of study: Economics and enterprise management (by branches)
Qualification: Economist - Manager

Primary employment: Director of International Cooperation Department of PJSC «Rosseti»
Date of first election to the Committee: 26.07.2019

Dmitry Alexandrovich Chevkin - Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (non-executive director)

Year of birth: 1976
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: 1998, Financial Academy under the Russian Federation Government
Branch of study: Finance and credit

Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Acting Director of HR Department of PJSC «Rosseti»

Date of first election to the Committee: 26.07.2019

Alexander Viktorovich Shevchuk — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (independent director)
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Russian Federation Government
Branch of study: Finance and credit

Qualification: Economist
Primary employment: Executive Director of Association of Institutional Investors

Date of first election to the Committee: 29.07.2011

General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
Corporate secretary