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Committees of the Board of Directors

Members of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee (elected by the Board of Directors on 31.07.2014, Minutes No. 17/14 dated 01.08.2014)

Yury Nikolayevich Mangarov — Chairperson of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Year of birth: 1956
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1978, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Branch of study: economic cybernetics
Qualification: economist-mathematician
Primary employment: Adviser of JSC «Russian Grids»
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 31.07.2014.

Natalia Ilyinichna Erpsher — Deputy Chairperson of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Year of birth: 1969
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
1991, MIIT
Branch of study: System engineer
2002, Moscow State University
Branch of study: Psychology of HR management
Primary employment: Head of Organizational Development Office of JSC «Russian Grids»
Date of the first election to the Committee for Personnel and Remuneration: 30.04.2008.

Denis Viktorovich Kulikov — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Year of birth: 1975
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Moscow State Law Academy
Branch of study: State and Law
Qualification: Lawyer
Primary employment: Adviser to Executive Director of Association of Professional Investors 
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 25.09.2012.

Maria Valeryevna Lazareva — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Year of birth: 1973
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2006, All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Russian Ministry of Taxes and Duties
1997, Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities
Primary employment: Director of Expert-Analytical Department of JSC «Russian Grids»
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 31.07.2014.

Roman Alexeevich Filkin — Member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Year of birth: 1983
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: Higher
2005, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Branch of study: Finance and credit
Primary employment: Representative Office of Prosperity Capital Management (Russian Federation) Ltd., Co-Director, power engineering, machine building
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 29.07.2011.

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