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Committees of the Board of Directors

Personnel and remuneration committee of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre elected on 28 november 2008

Natalia Iliinichna Erpsher – Chairman of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee under the BD of IDGC of Centre, JSC; Head of the Administration of Organisational Development, IDGC Holding, JSC
Year of birth: 1969
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1991, Moscow State University of Means of Communication (MIIT)
2002, Moscow State University
Major area of study: psychology of the personnel management
Principle occupation: - Head of the Administration of Organisational Development, IDGC Holding, JSC
Date of first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Alexey Valerievich Kurochkin – Director for Corporate Policy, IDGC Holding, JSC
Year of birth:
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1995, Ural State Legal Academy
Major area of study: jurisprudence
Principle occupation: Director for Corporate Policy, IDGC Holding, JSC
Date of first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Sergey Alexandrovich Arkhipov  – First Deputy General Director, IDGC of Centre, JSC
Year of birth: 1967
Citizenship: RF
Education: higher 
1990, Alma-Ata Power University
Major area of study: Electric systems and grids
Principal occupation: First Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC
Date of first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 28 November 2008.

Konstantin Viktorovich Kotikov - Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance, IDGC of Centre, JSC 
Year of birth: 1974
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1990-1997 Moscow Power Institute,
Major area of study: Power plants
2002, Moscow State Law Academy,
Major area of study: Jurisprudence
Principle occupation: Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance, IDGC of Centre, JSC 
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Aleshin – Deputy General Director for Organisational Development and Personnel Management, IDGC of Centre, JSC
Year of birth: 1974
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1997, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
Major area of study: Automation of technological and production process
2002, Moscow State Technical University Named after N.E.Bauman, Candidate of Science (Economy)
Principle occupation: Deputy General Director for Organisational Development, IDGC of Centre, JSC
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Alexander Vladimirovich Zemskov - Head of the Economic Development Department, Power Union Investment Holding, JSC
Year of birth: 1963
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1990, Saratov Economic Institute
Major area of study: Finance and credit
Principle occupation: Head of the Economic Development Department, Power Union Investment Holding, JSC
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Alexander Grigorievich Starchenko - Director for Power Industry, NMLK, JSC
Year of birth: 1968
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: higher
1991, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
Major area of study: computer science and management systems
Principle occupation: Director for Power Industry, NLMK, JSC
Date of the first election to the Personnel and Remuneration Committee: 30 April, 2008.

Composition of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre, JSC elected by the Board of Directors on 10.10.2008 (Minutes dated 10.10.2008 No. 15/08)


Natalia Ilyinichna Erpsher

Chairperson of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors, Head of Department for organization design and work with personnel of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC


Alexey Valerievich Kurochkin

Deputy Head of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC»


Anatoly Kuzmich Merzlyakov

First Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Dmitry Nikolaevich Alyoshin

Director fro Organization Development of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Konstantin Viktorovich Kotikov

Deputy General Director for the Corporate Governance of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Alexandr Vladimirovich Zemskov

Chief of the Department for corporate governance and economical development of “Investment Holding “Power Union”, JSC


Alexandr Grigorievich Starchenko

Director for Power Engineering of “Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine”

Composition of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre, JSC elected by the Board of Directors on 30.06.2008 (Minutes dated 30.06.2008 No. 11/08)


Alexey Valerievich Kurochkin

Chairman of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors, Deputy Head of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC


Natalia Ilyinichna Erpsher

Head of Department for organization design and work with personnel of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC


Anatoly Kuzmich Merzlyakov

First Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Dmitry Nikolaevich Alyoshin

Director fro Organization Development of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Konstantin Viktorovich Kotikov

Deputy General Director for the Corporate Governance of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Alexandr Vladimirovich Zemskov

Chief of the Department for corporate governance and economical development of “Investment Holding “Power Union”, JSC


Alexandr Grigorievich Starchenko

Director for Power Engineering of “Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine”

Composition of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre, JSC elected by the Board of Directors on 30.04.2008 (Minutes dated 04.05.2008 No. 09/08)


Alexey Valerievich Kurochkin

Chairman of the Committee for Personnel and Remunerations of the Board of Directors, Deputy Head of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC


Natalia Ilyinichna Erpsher

Head of Department for organization design and work with personnel of Management Centre of IDGC “UES FGC”, JSC


Anatoly Kuzmich Merzlyakov

First Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Dmitry Nikolaevich Alyoshin

Director fro Organization Development of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Konstantin Viktorovich Kotikov

Deputy General Director for the Corporate Governance of IDGC of Centre, JSC


Alexandr Vladimirovich Zemskov

Chief of the Department for corporate governance and economical development of “Investment Holding “Power Union”, JSC


Alexandr Grigorievich Starchenko

Director for Power Engineering of “Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine”

General Meetings of the Shareholders
Board of Directors
General Director
Committees of the Board of Directors
Management Board of Rosseti Centre, PJSC
Corporate secretary