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Regulatory Framework

Occupational Health and Safety Policy of IDGC of Centre, PJSC

Occupational Health and Safety Policy of IDGC of Centre, PJSC is an expression of the principles and values following the Mission, Goals, Visions and Strategies of the Company.

IDGC of Centre, PJSC (hereinafter the Company) — Interregional Distribution Grid Company that provides services for technological connection of consumers to the power grid, transmission and distribution of electric energy through power lines of 110 kV, 35 kV, 6-10 kV, 0.4 kV voltage classes in 11 regions of Russia.

To accomplish the main goal of the Company in the area of occupational health and safety — to provide safe working conditions and health and safety — the top management of the Company declares the recognition and enforcement of priority health and safety in relation to the results of production activities.

Being responsible for the preservation of life and health of employees, senior management of the Company establishes the following principles for action in the field of occupational health and safety:

  • adoption and implementation ofmanagement decisions onthe basis ofidentification ofhazards and assessment ofrisks ofhealth damage, personal injury (from the dangerous and harmful operation factors toorganizational reasons for their possible occurrence);
  • development ofeffective measures toeliminate orreduce the impact ofhazards and risk levels;
  • adoption ofpreventive measures and countermeasures toprevent the occurrence ofemergencies, incidents, accidents and occupational diseases;
  • creating asafe working environment for employees ofthe Company toimprove the culture ofoperation;
  • increase knowledge and awareness ofthe Company’s employees inoccupational safety and health;
  • making available toall employees and contractors and other parties performing work onthe operation facilities ofthe Company the acting inthe Company requirements for occupational health and safety and responsibilities for their implementation;
  • anopen dialogue with all interested parties onthe Company’s activities inthe field ofoccupational health and safety.

Top management is committed to:

  • implement this Policy,
  • perform all types of activities in full compliance with legislative, regulatory and legal acts, as well as other mandatory requirements of occupational health and safety;
  • continuously improve and perfect the performance of the occupational health and safety management system within the Company’s Integrated Management System.

Preventing workplace injuries and occupational diseases — the most important task of everyone at his/her workplace

General Director D.O. Gudzhoyan

Regulatory framework