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What are dividends?

Dividends are part of the Company’s net profit based on the results of a reporting year (1st quarter, 1st half year, 9 months), distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they hold. The net profit of Rosseti Centre, PJSC is indicated in the statement of financial results as part of the financial statements prepared according to the Russian Accounting System (RAS) based on the results of work for the year, which is disclosed on the Company’s website at:

Who makes the decision to pay dividends?

In accordance with para. 3, Article 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995 the decision on payment (declaration) of dividends is made at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The said decision shall determine the amount of dividends on shares of each category (type), form of payment, the order of payment of dividends in kind, the date on which persons entitled to receive dividends are recorded. At the same time the decision with regard to establishing the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are recorded shall be made based only on a recommendation of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) of the Company.

What is the term of payment of dividends?

According to para. 5, Art. 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the date on which in accordance with the decision on payment (declaration) of dividends persons entitled to receive them are determined, cannot be earlier than 10 days from the date of the decision on payment (declaration) of dividends, and later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

In accordance with para. 6, Art. 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of payment of dividends by the Company to a nominal holder and being a professional participant of the securities trustee, who are registered in the register of shareholders, shall not exceed 10 working days, and other persons registered in the registry of shareholders - 25 working days from the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are recorded.

In the case of the mandatory centralized custody:

According to para. 3 and para. 4, Art 7.1 of Federal Law "On the Securities Market" № 39-FZ of 22.04.1996, the depositary providing mandatory centralized custody of securities shall transfer payments on securities to their depositors, who are nominal holders and trustees - professional participants of the securities market, not later than one working day after the date of their receipt, and in case of transfer of the final payment on securities, the obligation to implement the prescribed period in which the issuer has not performed or performed improperly, not later than three working days after the date of their receipt. Dividends on securities to other depositors are transferred no later than seven working days after the date of their receipt.

The depositary, recording the rights to securities, is obliged to transfer payments on securities to their depositors, who are nominal holders and trustees - professional participants of the securities market, no later than the next working day after their receipt, and to other depositors no later than seven working days after the date of receipt of the corresponding payments and no later than 15 working days after the date on which the depositary, performing mandatory centralized custody, in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 7 of Article 7.1. of the Federal Law "On securities market" disclosed the transfer of due payments to its depositors on securities.

In the case of storage of securities in the depository registered as a nominee or trustee for the shares in the register of shareholder:

According to para. 3, Art 8.7 of Federal Law "On the Securities Market" № 39-FZ of 22.04.1996, the depository shall transfer payments on securities by transferring the funds to a bank account, specified by the depositary contract, to its depositors, who are nominal holders and trustees - professional participants of the securities market, no later than the next working day after their receipt and payment of securities to other depositors - no later than seven working days after their receipt.

According to para. 8, Art 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, a nominee, who has been transferred dividends to and who has not fulfilled the obligation to transfer them, set by the legislation of the Russian Federation on securities, for reasons beyond his control, is obliged to return them to the company within 10 days after the expiration of one month from the end date of the payment of dividends.

What determines the amount of dividends of Rosseti Centre, PJSC?

The Board of Directors of the Company approved the "Regulations on Dividend Policy", which define the basic provisions of payment of dividends. The text of the regulations can be found on the website at

The amount of dividends on shares of Rosseti Centre, PJSC is calculated from the amount of net profit as reported in financial statements in accordance with Russian standards.

Proposals for the amount of dividend are put by the Board of Directors for consideration at the General Meeting of Shareholders, which makes the final decision on dividend payment. The amount of the dividend approved by the Meeting may not exceed the amount recommended by the Board of Directors.

How are dividends paid out? Will shareholders who receive dividends by mail transfer be withheld from the transfer fee?

Didividends on shares of Rosseti Centre, PJSC for 2020, 2021, 9 months of 2022 are paid by the Company’s registrar (JSC VTB Registrar) on the basis of concluded agreements. Shareholders, who are individuals, for which the details of the bank account are indicated in the register of shareholders, are sent dividends by bank transfer, all other shareholders, who are individuals, are sent dividends by postal transfer. If a shareholder receives dividends by postal order, the transfer fee is not deducted from him. Shareholders of legal entities receive dividends by transfer to a bank account.

Do I have to pay tax on my income when receiving dividends? How much tax will be withheld from me? What tax benefits are provided for the taxation of dividends?

Dividends received by a shareholder from an issuer are taxable income. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 214 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if the source of taxpayer income received in the form of dividends is a Russian organization, this organization is recognized as a tax agent, i.e. when paying dividends, Rosseti Centre, PJSC will withhold tax and transfer it to the budget, and the shareholder will receive dividends minus tax. The tax base for income in the form of dividends is determined taking into account the specifics established by paragraph 5 of Article 275 and paragraph 3.1 of Article 214 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The tax amount is determined separately for each taxpayer at the rate and in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • 13% - for shareholders - legal entities that are tax residents of the Russian Federation;
  • 13% - for shareholders - individuals who are tax residents of the Russian Federation, on income equal to or less than RUB 5 million;
  • 15% - for shareholders - individuals who are tax residents of the Russian Federation, on income of more than RUB 5 million;
  • 15% - for shareholders - individuals and legal entities who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation.

In order to avoid double taxation, shareholders who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation may be exempt from withholding tax or applying a reduced tax rate in accordance with international tax treaties.

Can you pay dividends in shares?

No, you cannot. In accordance with clause 1 of Article 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995 dividends are paid out in cash, and in cases stipulated by the Articles of Association company, - with other assets. The Articles of Association of Rosseti Centre, PJSC do not provide for payment of dividends in another form, which means that the payment of dividends by the Company may not be different than with monetary assets.

For what reasons a shareholder of Rosseti Centre, PJSC may not be paid dividends?

The most common cause of non-payment of dividends is a failure of shareholders to provide information to the registrar of Rosseti Centre, PJSC or to the depositary, in which their depot account is opened, about changes in their data (e.g., place of residence, or bank details). According to para. 16, Art. 8.2 of Federal Law of 22.04.1996 № 39-FZ "On the Securities Market", in case the person, whom a personal account (depo account) has been opened, did not provide information about changes in their details, the issuer (person who has obligations under securities), the holder of the register of owners of securities and the depositary shall not be liable for any damage to such person in connection with the failure to provide information.

Therefore, in case of change of data, it is necessary for persons, who have opened an account in the shareholders' register, for the timely receipt of dividends to provide a new registration form to the registrar of the Company JSC VTB Registrar. Persons, who have opened depot accounts with the depository, in this case should contact the depositary and to issue a new form of the depositor.

Will I receive dividends if I sell the shares after the record date for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders?

According to para. 5, Art. 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the date on which in accordance with the decision on payment (declaration) of dividends persons entitled to receive them are determined, cannot be earlier than 10 days from the date of the decision on payment (declaration) of dividends, and later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

You will get dividends if on the above date you are a holder of shares of the Company.

How can a shareholder receive the dividend payable after the legally prescribed term of payment?

For dividends payable shareholders should contact the Company with an appropriate application (claim) according to para. 9, Art. 42 of Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995. Individual shareholders should attach a copy of the identity document to this application. In the case shareholders reside at the location of the Company's branches, the application should be sent to contact persons of the branches, whose information is available on the Company's website at the following address: All other shareholders should send the application for payment of arrears on dividends to the following address: 119017, Moscow, Malaya Ordynka street, 15, attention: IR-Division.

Contact person:

Sample claim for natural persons (docx, 17Kb)

Sample claim for legal entities (docx, 17Kb)

How to change the form of payment of dividends from the postal order to a bank transfer?

In order to change the form of payment of dividends, please refer to the Company's registrar

(JSC VTB Registrar) and update information in your account in the register of shareholders of the Company with providing your registered person form to the Registrar, indicating your bank account details for income payment under securities. Individuals, who have opened depot accounts with the depository, should contact the depositary and update the information by providing their questionnaire of the depositor.

It is recommended to clarify details for bank transfer of dividends with the bank in which your personal account is open, including:

  • personal account;
  • bank name (bank branch);
  • settlement account number;
  • correspondent account number;
  • bank BIC;
  • bank TIN.
Does Rosseti Centre, PJSC provide financial assistance to shareholders?

At present, the current legislation, the Articles of Association of Rosseti Centre, PJSC and other internal documents of the Company do not provide material assistance, benefits and any other advantages for shareholders of the Company.

Moreover, according to Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 208-FZ of 26.12.1995 (para 1, Art. 31), each ordinary share of the Company grants the shareholder - its owner the same amount of rights.

Thus, all shareholders of Rosseti Centre, PJSC enjoy equal rights arising from the ownership of a security. The Company does not make any additional payments to individual shareholders.