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Information on the share of real estate*

Information as of 31.12.2024 (pdf, 351Kb)

Information on the share of real estate (archive)*

[*] This information is provided to whom it may concern solely for the purposes of applying the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 284.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The calculation of the share of real estate located on the territory of the Russian Federation and directly or indirectly constituting the assets of Rosseti Centre, PJSC was made on the basis of accounting data based on the methodology set forth in Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated 20 November 2019 N SD-4-3/23559@ “On the procedure for calculating the share of real estate in the assets of an organization” and in Letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 03 December 2019 N 03-08-05/93884 “On the calculation of the share of real estate located in the Russian Federation in the assets of a Russian organization for tax purposes on profit” and dated 9 December 2019 N 03-03-06/1/95589 “On the calculation of the share of real estate in the territory of the Russian Federation in the assets of an organization for the application of a 0% income tax rate on transactions with shares of Russian organizations”.