Publication date |
Event |
21.03.2008 |
Data on state registration of the securities issue (additional issue) |
27.03.2008 |
Decision taken by the general meeting (rtf, 112Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 41Kb) |
28.03.2008 |
Non-recurrent transaction at the value of over 10% of net assets value (doc, 43Kb) |
31.03.2008 |
Reorganization of the issuer, its subsidiaries and dependent companies |
31.03.2008 |
Commencement date of securities placement |
31.03.2008 |
Date of end of placing of securities |
04.04.2008 |
Date of end of placing of securities the specified data |
21.04.2008 |
Information on the date of closing of the register of the emitter’s shareholders (doc, 37Kb) |
30.04.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 41Kb) |
30.04.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 41Kb) |
30.04.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 41Kb) |
30.04.2008 |
Increase/decrease of the net assets or net loss of the issuer by more than 10% |
30.04.2008 |
Data on state registration of the report on results of securities issue (additional issue) |
30.04.2008 |
Information on the facts that entailed one-time increase (decrease) of the net profit or net costs of the issuer by more than 10 percent (doc, 28Kb) |
12.05.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 43Kb) |
12.05.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 44Kb) |
12.05.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 42Kb) |
03.06.2008 |
Decision of the Annual General Meeting (rtf, 260Kb) |
29.07.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 47Kb) |
04.08.2008 |
Information on registering in the register of the issuing company’s shareholders of a shareholder (rtf, 46Kb) |
04.08.2008 |
Information on registering in the register of the issuing company’s shareholders of a shareholder (rtf, 47Kb) |
04.08.2008 |
Information on registering in the register of the issuing company’s shareholders of a shareholder (rtf, 46Kb) |
18.09.2008 |
Appearance of a shareholder owning at least 5 percent of the issuer’s ordinary share or change in the state of such a shareholder (doc, 49Kb) |
28.10.2008 |
Information on the facts that entailed one-time increase (decrease) of the net profit or net costs of the issuer by more than 10 percent (doc, 39Kb) |