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Procedure of Payment of Documentation Copying Costs

Rosseti Centre, PJSC provides copies of the documents that are subject to compulsory disclosure in accordance with Federal Law # 208-FZ dated 26 December 1995 "On Joint Stock Companies", Federal Law # 39-FZ dated 22 April 1996 "On the Securities Market", as well as the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 27 March 2020 # 714-P "On information disclosure by issuers of equity securities" to shareholders and other interested persons on their demand for payment. The fee charged for the provision of these copies may not exceed the cost of their production. Copies of documents must be provided within seven business days from the date of the corresponding request to the address of the location of the executive office of the Company.

The amount of reimbursement of expenses charged for making copies of documents

Document copy


Type of copying

Black-and-white format А4


format А4

Black-and-white format А3


format А3

Making printed copies






Making electronic copies




  1. The rate for one-sided copying, coefficient = 1.8 is used while two-sided copying.
  2. An electronic data carrier is charged separately.
  3. Sending of copies of documents in electronic form (in the form of an electronic document) to the nominee holder, which records the rights of the authorized person to the shares of the company, is paid additionally in accordance with the current price list of the Registrar.
  4. Not subject to VAT in accordance with Art. 91 of Federal Law dated 26.12.1995 # 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" and the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated 02.07.2009 # F04-3846/2009(9720-A45-16) under case # A45-19649/2008.

Information subject to inclusion into the Request for provision of document copies (pdf, 69Kb)

Form of confidentiality agreement (pdf, 120Kb)

Bank details to pay for making copies of documents

Rosseti Centre, PJSC

TIN/KPP 6901067107/997650001
119017, Moscow, Malaya Ordynka St., 15
a/c 40702810540020002105 at Sberbank
BIC 044525225
c/a 30101810400000000225