In accordance with the RF Government Regulation No. 861 dated December 27, 2004 tariffs for power transmission services are fixed with regard to use of power grid capacity by consumers of the services specified to which they are technologically connected. Amount of the subscribed capacity is determined in respect of each connection point and cannot exceed connected capacity in the corresponding connection point to the grid of this consumer of services. Not less than 8 months prior to subsequent period of tariff regulation a consumer of services should notify the grid organisation of the amount of subscribed capacity for the forthcoming calendar year.
Tariffs for power transmission services are fixed in compliance with the Basic principles of pricing in relation to electric and thermal power in the Russian Federation and Rules of state regulation and application of tariffs for electric and thermal power in the Russian Federation approved by the RF Government Regulation No. 10 dated February 26, 2004.
Information on tariffs for power transmission services on 2014 (xlsx, 104Kb)
Information on tariffs for power transmission services on 2013 (xlsx, 74Kb)
Information on tariffs for power transmission services on 2012 (xls, 250Kb)
Information on tariffs for power transmission services on 2011 (xls, 109Kb)
Information on tariffs for power transmission services as of 16.02.2010 (xls, 93Kb)
Information on tariffs for power transmission services as of II quater 2010 (xls, 95Kb)